October 28, 2010

Spain Prostitutes Ordered to Wear Reflective Yellow Vests for Safety

Uhhh yeah...you heard that right!! What is the world coming to??

Apparently a law was passed in 2004, that requires pedestrians on major highways to wear the high-visibility vests. And this includes the girls for pay unless they want to pay fines of 40 euros (which is $56). Police say they are targeting the solicitors not because of their occupation but because of the potential hazards they may cause drivers. Riiight!!

Anyway, I know this is really messing up their outfits! GOODNESS! LOL

What y'all think?


October 27, 2010

Kerry Washington on the Cover of Essence

I feel like people sometimes sleep on Kerry Washington! She is HIGH FASHION and very CHIC!! Love her and can't wait to see her in "For Colored Girls". It's been too long.

She covers the November issue of Essence discussion "Race in America". Thank goodness it's not BLACK in America.

She states
"...I don't want to ignore my Blackness. I just want to get to the point where my racial identity is simply a part of what makes me unique..."
Essence expresses
"The goal of this month's issue is to create a national dialogue on race that will inform, inspire and empower African-American women."

What do you all think?


October 15, 2010

Consistency is KEY

WHERE IS THE MOTIVATION TO WORK OUT?????????? *sigh* I mean really?? Am I going to have to be 250 lbs before I realize that I need to be getting my butt on the treadmill??? I will go from one extreme to the next. ON FIRE one week and ain't lifting a finger the next.


I saw this quote and it really spoke to me
People are so focused on wanting things now that they aren't willing to spend the time consistently doing small things over time. This attitude results in loads of stress and lost opportunities.
Soooooooo with that...I need to get on my game. Operation NWA...12 (Not wearing a size 12) SHOULD be in full effect but isn't! I NEED some motivation!!!

Here are some small goals that I saw on sparkpeople.com.

First, pick small goals that can be somewhat easily integrated into your normal daily schedule. Examples include:
  • 10 minute workout in the morning
  • Taking fruits and vegetables to work (packs of raisins, an apple, or a bag of carrots)
  • Giving yourself small breaks throughout the day to relax or meditate
  • Working on a new skill for a certain amount of time each week
Soooo who's with me?????
